MOCC Administration
The Manual Osteopathic College of Canada administration works hard to provide students with the information and resources needed to enrol into the program and feel supported throughout their education.

Janet Mwamburi, Executive Director of Education
Janet is a Bachelor of Science Graduate from the University of Alberta: Augustana Faculty, and a massage therapy graduate from Northern Institute of Massage Therapy and Alberta College of Massage Therapy. Janet has attained training in Osteoarticular Techniques, Myofascial Remodeling, Visceral Manipulation, Low Intensity Laser Therapy, Pregnancy Massage, and Therapeutic Ball Release. She has also completed the Instructor Development Program and is certified in Basic American Sign Language. Janet became an instructor in 2012 and completed two NACC Instructor Development Programs. Janet feels very fortunate to have the opportunity to encourage manual osteopathic therapists-in-training as they pursue their dreams of helping others into health and wellness. If you asked Janet what the greatest highlight of her role is, she would say “Nothing excites me more than listening to budding practitioners talk about how their techniques effected lasting change and vastly improved their client’s quality of life. Nothing beats that!”

Terri Cuthill, Curriculum Director
Terri is a practicing RMT and MOT. Terri graduated from Alberta Massage Training in 2009 and became a teacher’s assistant in February 2010. She completed an online instructor course in November 2010. To add to her skills, Terri has taken a cranio sacral workshop, a jade stone workshop and standard first aid and level C CPR. Terri has also graduated from the Manual Osteopathic Therapy program. Terri manages the MOCC curriculum and the Learning Management System. Terri enjoys helping others, whether it’s working out a client’s knots or helping a student learn the body.

Shannon Patterson, Student Services Coordinator
The Student Services Coordinator helps students with the logistics of completing programs offered at MOCC. Shannon is excited to help MOCC students elevate their careers! Outside of work, Shannon loves volunteering and spending time with friends and family.